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Secrets Microsoft does not want you to know! |
Doesn't pay to step too close to big critters. |
AOL Sucks |
Somebody has some pretty strong opinions about America Online. :) |
Bathtime for Moses |
Print this out and use it the next time some jerk blocks your car in. |
The reason why eskimo don't like to "go" outside. |
Old dog, new trick. |
Bill Clinton, you're under arrest. |
Safe Sex in the Middle East. |
Don't ask, don't Teletubbies. |
A Redneck's worst nightmare... |
Warning! This page contains gross naked pictures of the Queen Mother! If you are offended by nudity, or just naked old ladies, do NOT go here! Really, I mean it! No fair going here, then whining later. |
Truth in Advertising examines Obsession. |
Truth in Advertising meets Nike! |
Truth in Advertising meets Tommy Hilfiger! |
Ever wonder what George Bush really thought of the American People? Click here to find out! |
The classic "Lost Puppy" pic. |
Ever wonder why people are willing to wait a month in line to see "Star Wars: Episode 1"? Now you can find out! |
Did you ever watch the old "Dick Van Dyke Show"? Ever wonder what Rob and Laura are getting up to now? |
Lots of people are trading stocks online...click here to find out why! |
The Evolution of Man - from ape to Internet Addict! |
Johnny |
The world's first ever Visual Little Johnny Joke! |
A variation on the "Nut 'n Honey" commercials. |
A cute animated in gif in which Calvin (of "Calvin and Hobbes" fame) goes for a ride in the toilet. |
A nice beer poster. |
Some of the best ways to keep your computer safe from e-mail viruses. |
A cute cartoon - Honesty on the Internet. |
A cute cartoon - Monica Lewinsky withholding evidence. |
Bert from Sesame Street - new shocking photos indicate that he may be Evil! |
The Evil Baby Conspiracy - learn about it, before it affects your life! |
Johnny |
Bizarro is proud to bring you the first visual Little Johnny joke in history! |
Exactly why is Tae Bo so popular with Americans? |
Just how do they make Easter eggs, anyway? |
How is the US Military attracting new recruits? |
The Worst-Selling Girl Scout Cookies ever! |
Some of our most memorable moments from the Oscars! |
Some city worker proves just how lazy public servants can be. |
This version of Sesame Street has been altered for Ebonics. |
The Balls Page |
Ever wondered what famous testicles looked like? Now's your chance to find out. Be careful, there are pictures of testicles here. |
A nice incentive to get women to exercise. |